looking after the handovers

is as important as managing the work

  • individual silos work and will always be created to group similar capability

    any transformation will still result in centres of excellence that look like silos

    the handovers between silos is breakpoint one the care and focus of looking after the handover is breakpoint two and breakpoint three is the lack of understanding and management of expectations from each silo

  • letting each silo excel at what they do adds value so too does a real understanding of what adjacent silos do by their neighbour

    a responsible team should focus on the linkages from one silo to the other and be accounable for the success of work transfer

    the leader of each silo needs to be accountable for the success of transferred work meeting desired and agreed service outcomes

    the metrics to measure this is as important as any other metric

  • such a tiny piece of handover such a big part of organisational success